The admission process began with we "Madrasis" going Northwards (read Delhi). The aircraft housing the 10 faculty members and the 7 student coordinators taking off was symbolic of several careers that are about to take off shortly.
The bugle of the GT-PI was sounded through the video being screened at 8 AM at Vishwakarma Buhawan at IIT Delhi. Regiments of bleary-eyed 20 somethings were ready to take on each other in the GT and give the profs a run for their experience in the PI. We the coordinators simply acted as "Sanjays" educating every candidate about the panel's composition and their demeanor. We also doubled up as impromptu astrologers verifying everyone's Janam-Patri (read testimonials).
Although there were some teething problems to begin with, the process rolled on smoothly for the 2 days. The turnout was tremendous meaning that competition just got tougher! The candidates and us had sweet memories and the realization that the world is indeed small when mutual contacts were discovered. The process ended on a sweet, healthy note with a helping of Tarzan Singh's hand picked fruits.
Hope that we can better the experience in Chennai and Mumbai. After all, PG has added a little more firepower in the candidates' arsenals!
Contributed by,
Bhawik Raja, DoMS Interface
Class of 2011