Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Seshagiri Dhanyamraju of Mphasis addresses DoMS IIT Madras

The monthly CW session in DoMS IIT Madras, hosted Mr. Seshagiri Dhanaymraju Head Strategy and Benchmarking at MphasiS(An HP company). Sesha is responsible for strategy development and articulation, benchmarking against competitors and against the company’s stated goals, execution of key strategic initiatives on behalf of the Office of CEO.

Mr Seshagiri delivered his address in form of experience sharing session. He focused on what can go wrong in a company depends upon the way the company is run, taking the reference of Thomas Peters' book  “In Search of Excellence”. As future business leaders of tomorrow he encouraged students to move one level above concepts and think, think in a precise, logical and structured manner. More importantly, the thoughts should be followed by action and should be turned into reality, if not what we will get to see is a gap between strategy and execution, he stressed.  “Use your degrees and knowledge but don’t take shelter under them” is the view he held on the issue of management concepts and added that we should understand the limitation of management theories.

Today’s organizations are made up of people and to develop these organizations we need leaders, Mr. Seshagiri opined, further he said, we need leaders who keep learning and this was the source of competitive advantage for companies. He made it apparent that a firm needed not only a sense of purpose for itself but also its leaders. On the issue of strategy and operational excellence Mr. Seshagiri was of the view that what is important is a focus on what you should do and more importantly what you should not. On an issue very pertinent to B School education in our country, he delved into topic of disconnect between the schools and the employers.

Mr. Seshagiri then explained that corporate career is no longer a linear journey but should be viewed in form of a grid filled with diverse experiences and challenges which one should start experiencing right from early career. 

DoMS Interface Team,
Batch of 2011

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